Directing people.
Art history, photography
and reflection
Prep New technologies
Technical skills
Graphic design
Image development
Stop motion
Prep New Technologies
Green screen
.free work.
I called the video: Kijk mij aan als ik tegen je praat.
Translated it is: Look me in the eyes when I talk to you.
I think this title works really well with the thought of humans neglecting nature and taking it for granted sometimes. Normally nature does not have eyes but we still have to look at it when it is giving signs that it is not going well.

I made a soundscape based on whit I think it would sound like when nature could talk to us.
How do you visualize the feeling of being held captive by yourself.
In these days of lockdown, everyone is spending a lot of time in the same place, without being able to go everywhere. We spend a lot of time with ourselves and this can sometimes feel heavy and exhausting.
Creating an alternative world with a focus on changing colors.
The passing of time is something I can not get a grip on. Sometimes a day goes by very slowly but sometimes its all of a sudden a month later...
When do I notice that time is passing?
When I look at the sun
A short time-lapse showing the sun and her effects on earth.